Nobody has any fun when they feel like a stranger.
So, what’s the big deal about Camp Wagalot?
We’re small batch
We’re high quality
We offer intimate, personalized onsite care, 24/7
And, we provide freedom for your dog to choose*!
0 friends? OK!
1 friend? OK!
2 friends? OK!
10 friends? OK!
Ball time? OK!
Swim time? OK!
Free-range Sniffing? OK!
Explore over an acre of land? OK!
Nap time? OK!
*We help your dog choose their experience, based on their preferences!
Why WAG a little when you can WAG A LOT?
Photo courtesy of Camp Wagalot.
Find out about our mission, our methods, and the results of our dedicated and unique approach to your dog's social development.